The 217-Jab HIM – “Reaching a new low, the $cience turns into a total farce..Are the German scientists that gullible? They can be, when they choose to: If you haven’t followed the story and only read the headlines like these: you’d start believing that the jabs are really-really safe and cannot be overdosed. As all articles (and all of the mainstream presstitudes picked up this story without exception) stress the fact that whatever the “personal reasons” of the German man with a moniker “HIM” in the seminal Lancer study were, the HIM did receive all the jabs he claimed to have received: The scientists, being a gullible lot, took HIM’s claims at face value and ran a battery of tests on HIM, and jabbed HIM once more, for good measure, in the process. Amazed that HIM is still alive, let alone apparently healthy, after receiving what they, deep down, knew was a lethal dose of rat juice, they published their “unbiased” results in a prestigious medical journal for all to admire. Except that HIM was nabbed by the German police in 2022, reported on at the time as a 60-year-old man, for vaccination certificate fraud: ” – Andreas Oehler

How Evildoers Weaponized Music and Entertainment Against God & You – “Diabolical evil has infested every cultural sector imaginable including the music industry, Hollywood, and even sports. Here’s why” – Alex Newman

BREAKING: Senate Committee Advances Act to Prohibit U.S. Partnerships with Chinese Biopharma Companies – “The Biosecure Act prohibits US biopharma from partnering with Chinese companies for the research and manufacturing of diagnostic and biosynthetic products, i.e. PCR tests and mRNA injections. The Act would prohibit the US government from funding Chinese biotech companies that posed a threat to national security, and prohibit U.S. pharma companies from working with certain Chinese manufacturers, including Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA nanoparticle partner WuXi Biologics.” – Karen Kingston – FUNNY HOW IN JANUARY WuXI AND  BioNTech SIGNED AN AGREEMENT THAT GRANTED RIGHTS TO  INVESTIGATIONAL MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES TO BioNTech.  BioNTech IS ALSO A PARTNER OF PFIZER AND DEVELOPED THEIR COVID JAB. IS THIS PFIZER’S WAY OF SKIRTING AROUND THE PROPOSED NEW LAW BY GOING THROUGH A GERMAN COMPANY RATHER THAN THE CHINESE!!!!!

RSV Vaccines May Increase Risk of Rare Neurological Condition – “CDC officials are investigating a potential link between two recently approved RSV vaccines and increased reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome in adults over 60.” – Megan Redshaw – ONCE AGAIN, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE AND BROUGHT TO YOU BY OUR FRIENDS AT PFIZER AND OTHERS!!!!

British MP Reveals Elite Told Him ‘Vaccinated Will All Die of Turbo Cancer Soon’ – “According to Bridgen, the incident took place in the tea room at Westminster Houses of Parliament, where the unnamed senior Minister told him that he would be “dead of cancer soon” because he was misled into taking the vaccine during the lockdown.” – Blazing Press

Is *Covid-19 really so lethal that we need to be slamming pumpkin seeds and niacin so that we don’t die from it? Is it weird that everybody is still Covid Zombified? Covidified? Zombided? – Sage Hana

UKHSA Provides Mortality Data to Big Pharma but not to the General Public – “Dame Jenny Harries at the Health Select Committee” – The Naked Emperor

Urgent warning over ‘bird chlamydia’ following deaths of five humans in ‘unusual’ outbreak sweeping Europe – “Psittacosis, nicknamed parrot fever, has killed five people in Europe this year” – Emily Stearn – SO WHAT DOES THE CDC ADVISE, WEARING A MASK OR A CONDOM WHEN HAVING PARROT SEX!!!

All major Covid vaccines worldwide were once declared 100% effective, but zero actually worked – “How to lie with statistics.” – Jordan Schachtel

Journalist, Who Demanded Concentration Camps for Unvaccinated, Dead at 33 – “Stephanie Hughes, Vandaelle’s partner, revealed that he died suddenly.” – Frank Bergman


Follow the Money—Or the Power? – “Money greases the tracks, but do those who have the money, also have the power? The biggest tell for me, recently was Boris Johnson showing up in Kiev to scuttle a nearly-completed peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. Why did Boris do that and, in that, who was he representing? Seems as if it would be the US, right? Maybe not? In my attempt to understand how Palestine became a nightmare of inhumanity, and now genocide, I remembered that Britain was there at the onset, giving land that was not theirs to Israel. What was the plan behind that? Britain, with limited military power, exerted control over the world by pitting one side against another. They have done this everywhere for 100s of years—and are still at it. Tracing US history, Britain (and it’s banks), controlled who was and was not elected to the US presidency. Everywhere we look, a tiny island is in the midst of it.” –  – GOOD ONE FROM ERIK ONCE AGAIN ON WHO REALLY IS RUNNING THE SHOW!!!!

Causing prosperity – “Welfare states are not charity; they’re poverty traps. Wealth does not simply appear from the ground like water from a desert spring. Prosperity and plenty must be made and only occur when the conditions and incentives are conducive to such.” – El Gato Malo

The Institutional Insanity Complex – “The pack is racing off a cliff. There is a vast complex telling them that they are not, and that they won’t be hurt when they smash on the rocks below. How does the human mind deal with the contradictory? One way is through discovering facts and rational analysis to resolve the contradiction. The other way to deal with contradiction is to evade it. If the crowd—the government, the pharmaceutical companies, the media, the academics, the corporations, the celebrities, your employer, your friends, and your family—is telling you the vaccines are safe and effective, they must be so. Unfortunately, the rocks below hurt; they may even kill.” – Robert Gore

Fewer People Pledge Allegiance to the Divided States of America – “The center has not held, and the divide has become a chasm. While it is common during every election for US citizens to declare they’ll leave the country if the party opposite of their own wins and then never do it, there have never been so many ready to pack it in as there are now if Donald Trump wins. It’s not entirely due to Trump, though. People in America under both Trump and Biden have lost the American Dream because the middle class has been decimated:” – David Haggith  – JUST CURIOUS AS TO WHERE THEY WOULD GO THAT WOULD REALLY BE ANY DIFFERENT!!!!

RFK Jr. Exposes NATO as a Money Laundering Scheme for BlackRock – The Vigilant Fox

Who Will Prevail in World War 3? Exploring the 7 Key Battlefields – “World War 3 is unlikely to be a direct kinetic war between the US, Russia, and China. Instead, the conflict will play out on different levels—proxy wars, economic wars, financial wars, cyber wars, biological wars, deniable sabotage, and information wars. In that sense, World War 3 is already well underway, even though most don’t recognize it.” – Nick Giambruno

Think Jehovah’s Witnesses Are Christians? – “Think again…” – Jim McCraigh

Fat Propaganda Roundup: Pharma Front Groups Demand Medicare Ozempic Subsidy – Ben Bartee

Trump Proves Why He’d Also Be Israel’s Man in the White House (VIDEO) – “No matter who Americans vote for in 2024, Palestinians lose. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump agree on one thing: Israel’s genocide in Gaza must go on.” – Gerald Celente

Israel’s Partial Compliance With The US’ Anti-Russian Demands Risks Ruining Ties With Moscow – Andrew Korybko

Germany and NATO Caught Red-Handed in War Planning – “If it is confirmed that the bridge in Russia was hit by a missile then it would appear that the NATO war against Russia has reached a new threshold. ” – Finian Cunningham


Job Openings and Quits Show the Labor Market Has Stabilized, What’s Really Happening? – “Three BLS charts on quits and hires offer strong evidence the labor markets nearly back to normal. Other charts tell a different story.” – Mish

We The People ARE BEING SET UP On A GRAND SCALE. Expect PANDEMONIUM In The Streets (VIDEO) – Gregory Mannarino

Colossal Churn in the Labor Market Ends: Voluntary Quits, Job Openings, Layoffs & Discharges, and Hires – “The headlines about massive layoff announcements had their intended psychological effect on workers.” – Wolf Richter

BRICS to Develop Blockchain-Based Payment System to Bypass the Dollar – Mike Maharrey


Must Watch! 9 Most Dangerous Cities And Neighborhoods In America Where You Wouldn’t Want to be- Crime has Increased by 50% In Recent Years And People Fear Now More Than Ever That They Could be Killed Right In The City – Dave Jefferson

Separett Waterless Composting Toilet – “Not the most comfortable topic to discuss but closing up the cabin last week I realized that our toilet has been problem-free for many years and worthy of a brief review to share with the readers of SurvivalBlog.” – OhioGalt

10 Useful Ways to Use Magnets On Your Property- Sunny M

Making a Survival Keychain – “I propose to you, that there are things we can carry on a keychain, which will, in fact, help us to survive. It won’t be a full-blown survival kit; nor will it be enough to handle all situations. But for those times when we’re caught away from home, without a survival kit or GHB, the few things on your keychain could make a huge difference.” – Bill White


Romans 10:2    For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.


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