One Thing We Can Do – “In the early days of every crisis, people wonder – what is to be done? Many feel helpless to do anything, as if caught in a ripe tide. This can be very demoralizing. After all, what’s the point of doing anything if nothing you do changes anything? But there is in fact a great deal that can be done. And things done one by one can add up to great things done. As for instance what was done by probably hundreds of thousands of individuals who exercised their veto power by not buying Bud Light beer… A similar veto was exercised by the millions of people who said No to the idea that it was their duty to allow themselves to be injected with whatever the government said it believed was necessary for them to be injected with. In other words, the principle at issue was said No to. It was this incredibly effronterous notion that we are to accept being treated like someone’s pet – a cat or a dog – and raise no fuss when our owners tell us it is time to be taken to the vet.” – Eric Peters

The West Is Importing China’s Cultural Revolution – “The founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, routinely applauds China’s surveillance State for its capacity to “nudge” citizens toward compliance. While China apologists turn a blind eye to the one-party communist State’s continuing genocides against Christians, Tibetans, Uyghurs, Falun Gong practitioners, and other minorities, they champion the machinery of China’s technocratic totalitarianism as a model for the rest of the world. It is deeply unsettling to see a destroyer of civilizations held up as the future for global civilization. Schwab’s influential organization seeks to recreate a Chinese system where a small group of elites bark orders and ordinary citizens dutifully obey.” – J.B. Shurk

Twelve undeniable signs globalists are engineering the end of humanity – “It’s no longer taboo to publicly talk about depopulation. Even many who once dismissed the concept as a conspiracy theory are now publicly acknowledging the reality that global efforts are under way to drastically reduce the human population on planet Earth.” – Mike Adams

CV19 Vax is a Crime & Coverup (VIDEO) with Ed Dowd – “Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is still a skillful number cruncher. Dowd made billions of dollars in profits by being right on the data. In 2022 alone, Dowd figured 30% of the workforce had been killed, disabled and cannot work or is working chronically ill. Dowd says the death and disability trend for 2023 is way up. Thousands everyday are reporting they are getting sick, and Dowd says the CV19 bioweapon injections are to blame. Supply chains and society are going to grind to a crawl, and Dowd predicts, “Everything is slowly breaking down. ” – Greg Hunter

“New” Tick-Born Meat Allergy Arrives Just In Time For Anti-Meat Propaganda Narratives (VIDEO) – The Last American Vagabond

History Of Weaponized Insects And Bugs: As The Climate Change Cult Insists We Stop Eating Meat, Suddenly Ticks Are Causing Deadly Allergies To Meat – “Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want, I have been called worse, especially since so many “conspiracy theories” have been proven true, but I read a couple of pieces recently about how ticks, namely ‘lone star ticks,’ are creating meat allergies, which according to the CDC is an “emerging public health concern,” and it got me thinking about coincidences. Like the coincidence of a new “emerging public health concern,” right at a time when we see global warming proponents insisting we stop eating meat. Coincidentally, those telling us to stop eating meat are also the ones pushing us to eat bugs.” – Susan Duclos

Energy Industry Fears White House Will Declare COVID-Like ‘Climate Emergency’ – Jack Phillips

Masks Work! … – “But not how the mask fanatics would have you believe” – The Naked Emperor

Unsafe for Kids at Any Dose? New Review of Science Supports Link Between Tylenol and Autism – “A new literature review by William Parker, Ph.D., reveals troubling associations between acetaminophen at typical pediatric doses and serious, likely permanent impairments in cognition and socialization in susceptible children.” – Angelo DePalma, Ph.D.


The Second Coming of Literal Hitler – “So, the quadrennial simulation of democracy in the USA is getting underway, and personally, I couldn’t be happier. Not that the New Normal Reich is history … on the contrary, it is just getting started. Yes, the shock-and-awe campaign is over. It’s been over for the better part of a year. We are deep into the mistakes-were-made/limited-hangout phase of the changeover. Nothing can stop or reverse it now. The implementation of the new official (i.e., Orwellian) reality is a fait accompli. What actually happened has been memory-holed, forever, supplanted by stories of censorious “bad apples,” “overreactions,” lab leaks, and so on. That’s right, he’s back … Trumpenstein, the monster! It’s the Second Coming of Literal Hitler! Vladimir Putin’s personal cock holster! The pussy-grabbing Destroyer of Worlds! According to Brynn Tannehill and The New Republic, it is “goodbye NATO … goodbye democracy!” Hello to the new-and-improved Trumpian Reich!” – CJ Hopkins  –  ANOTHER GOOD ONE FROM CJ!!!!!!!!!!!!

Putting the Sheep to Bed – “First of all, I didn’t come up with the use of the word “sheep” to describe blind ‘“authority followers” (I did however invent the use of “shrew” to describe us freedom fighters). But I suppose that doesn’t really matter, because I am still playing into the hands of the enemy, and thus doing their dirty work. I do feel a bit innocent in this regard, because it is pretty obvious that I am not an ally of the bad guys and it is obvious I have no power at all, and thus no value to them. And although there is a bit of a nasty ring to calling a group of fellow human beings “sheep,” I did make it a point to name our group an equally diminishing zoological entity: shrew.” – Todd Hayen, PhD, RP

When the arbiters of truth become the merchants of misinformation – “And then they came for the memes, and so I pushed back. hard. Memes work like mental macros. They connect concepts. They elicit full and crosslinked comprehension in a manner and speed with which other media cannot compete.” – El Gato Malo

The Antiracist White Nationalist – “Before the term became a cult signal, it used to have meaning. A white nationalist is an American term for a white person who wants to live in communities free of nonwhites, especially black people. Having lost the fight over “civil rights” in the middle of the last century, and not understanding the implications of it, these people organized around the idea of separate lands for people of European descent. They want intentional communities organized around race. Of course, the people who use the term “white nationalist” as a slur acknowledge that the people calling themselves white nationalists primarily want a white homeland exclusively for white people, but they also claim the reason for this desire is an irrational hatred of nonwhites, especially blacks and Jews.” – The Z Man  – INTERESTING ARTICLE FROM THE Z MAN!!!

The Rich Get Richer, and the Poor Keep Flooding the Border to Serve Them – “Democrats and Republicans alike LOVE a large peasant class to keep the wine pouring. We may be in recession all over the world; but, at least, the rich are getting richer. So, there is that bit of good news. Not only is their wealth rising rapidly due to the stock market’s recent rally, but their spending is up substantially. Still, you read today from the financial publications that cater to the rich, talk about how the US may need to bring in more cheap immigrant labor so that those at the top of US society can continue to enjoy their lavish lifestyles. Of course the financial media doesn’t quite phrase it that way as that doesn’t sell well.” – David Haggith

Evidence Of Biden Burisma Corruption Is Overwhelming – “What an amazing series of events that led to Joe Biden personally fulfilling what Burisma was paying Hunter Biden to accomplish. What are the odds?” – Mollie Hemingway

Apoplectic Biden Crime Family Panics: DoJ Trying to ARREST and SILENCE Devon Archer Before Bombshell Testimony – “They will do anything to silence people. Anything.” – JD Rucker

MSM Reporters Go Into Overdrive to Protect Biden After Devon Archer’s Testimony – Julio Rosas

Devon Archer Testifies Joe Biden Met with Moscow Mayor’s Wife in Georgetown – Who Wired $3.5 Million to Hunter – And Then Joe Biden Kept Her Off Sanctions List – Jim Hᴏft

Devon Archer Testifies Burisma Holdings Would Have Gone Under Without Joe Biden – Wendell Husebo

Donald Trump And Hunter Biden: A Tale Of Two Injustices – “No System Can Survive When Some Are More Equal Than Others. It is hardly a shocking revelation that Smith conjured up still more reasons to persecute…err…prosecute Trump under the Espionage Act plus related sections of the Federal Code. By some ironic quirk of fate, the latest (but assuredly not the last) Trump indictment came about as a curious bookend to the aborted plea deal that had been conjured between the Department of Justice and Hunter Biden, wherein the President’s son agreed to plead guilty to tax evasion and weapons charges in return for a slap on the wrist and no jail time. The plea deal fell apart when the Federal judge overseeing Hunter’s case refused to simply rubber stamp the deal and began asking awkward questions.” – Peter Nayland Kust

Militant vegan ‘influencer’ starves to death – “You would think that the death of Steve Jobs from cancer after shunning conventional medical care and following a “fruitarian” regimen of treatment (until it was too late) would have been a warning about trying to subsist on fruit alone. But bad ideas can have a long shelf life and there are people who persist with that bad idea. Vegan influencer Zhanna Samsonova has reportedly “died of starvation” after subsisting exclusively off a diet of exotic fruit in Malaysia, according to her friends and family. But it’s dubious all of her fans and followers are going to be swayed by this. Already, they are claiming it was an infection, or some toxic present in the fruit she ate, which seems farfetched compared to the claimed vegan diet she followed and the emaciated pictures she ran of herself to influence her followers How sad. Did she ever listen to her body? A diet like that would be impossible not to feel pangs of hunger on.” – Monica Showalter

Another war on drugs won’t solve the fentanyl crisis – “Washington should ditch the military rhetoric and refocus efforts on work with China and Mexico. The United States is facing the worst drug crisis in its history. Fentanyl is killing Americans at record rates.” – Emma Sanderson  – GEE, DO YOU THINK OPEN BORDERS HAVE ANYTHING TO DO DO WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!

Confiscation: Why Isn’t the Far Left Honest About Their End Game On Guns? – “Leftists keep on lying about their true goals on guns to get everyone to accept the intermediate steps to confiscation. What is the far left’s end game on guns? Anyone on the pro-freedom right side of the political spectrum has known this answer for years. Gun confiscation has always been the ultimate goal of every collectivist authoritarian down through history since firearms were invented, from the Bolsheviks, and National Socialist German Workers’ (Nazi) Party, to the Democrats and every leftist extremist in between. And yet, leftists and the nation’s socialist media still play the gaslighting game of pretending they only want “common sense gun reform” or safety or whatever’s the deception du jour this week.” – D. Parker

Blinken Rejects Australia’s Calls to Drop Case Against Julian Assange – “Blinken and Austin were in Australia to solidify US-Australia military ties” – Dave DeCamp

Stop Trying To Make Vivek Happen – “Despite his smarminess and off putting snake-oil salesman vibe, one thing Vivek has always had going for him is his ability to articulately lay out his positions. The man is clearly smart and well spoken, and for what it’s worth, his technical delivery is much smoother than any politician currently running. However, though his take on many issues is spot on and has garnered him some degree of support, there are red flags there as well,” – Scott Morefield

Mexico rejects Ukraine peace talks without Russia – “The upcoming meeting in Saudi Arabia is pointless unless both countries are present, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said” – RT


US Government Debt Spikes by $1.2 trillion since Debt Ceiling, to $32.7 Trillion. Treasury to Add $1.5 Trillion in Debt by Year-End – “US Government Debt Spikes by $1.2 trillion since Debt Ceiling, to $32.7 Trillion. Treasury to Add $1.5 Trillion in Debt by Year-End by Wolf Richter • Jul 31, 2023 • 116 Comments Stunning numbers out today. Investors will buy the securities, plus those the Fed steps away from. But… Crystal ball sees rising longer-term yields.” – Wolf Richter

9 Reasons Why Gold Will Soon Replace Treasuries as the Ultimate Store-of-Value Asset – Nick Giambruno

The Beat Goes On: Another Bank Has Collapsed, Another Trucking Company Has Collapsed, And U.S. Consumers Are Tapped Out -Michael Snyder

CVS Health Plans To Ax 5,000 Jobs In “Once-In-A-Generation Transformation” – “…but, but, but ‘Bidenomics’?” – Tyler Durden

What Will It Take for Cryptocurrencies to Become Full-Fledged Money? – Thorsten Polleit

The WORLD ECONOMIC FREEFALL IS ACCELERATING. MMRI Hits 252.8. Important Updates (VIDEO) – Gregory Mannarino

Ford set to lose $4.5 billion on electric vehicles this year, despite increased revenue – “Ford recently dropped the price of its electric F-150 Lightning pickup truck” – Andrea Vacchiano  – NOBODY WANTS. NOR CAN THEY AFFORD THIS CRAP!!!!

One Hell of a Head Fake on Gold – “Gold has big daily drop following Fed and ECB announcements. The pullback lasted 2 days before a big blast higher.” – Mish

Why Gold’s Price Is Rising (and Not Slowing Down) – Peter Reagan

Deutsche Bank AG STOCK QUOTE –10.01EUR


Cover the Basics: 8 Prepper Tools to Get You Through a Disaster – “The following products are the basic items a prepper can use that will help prepare to live and thrive in the aftermath of a disaster. These products encompass your very basic needs and will provide you with the beginnings of a solid collection of prepping tools.” – Tess Pennington

Five Healthy Foods That Save you Money – Colette

What Is Your SHTF Plan? – “Why do you need to have a plan? Having a SHTF Plan for what you would actually do if the SHTF is the very first thing you need to do and it will accomplish a couple of things. First, it will help you take into consideration your current state and responsibilities. Most of the preppers I talk to have some driving idea that makes them want to be better prepared for whatever life throws at them. It could be they are worried about an Economic Collapse, or it could be something as simple as a winter storm. All of the people you see at the grocery store right before a big storm want generally the same thing that preppers want. The only difference is that they wait till the last minute to do anything about it.” – Pat Henry

The Role of Social Media in Emergency Communication Strategies for Preppers – Miles Oliver

10 Civil War Foods That Are Great for Preppers – Tricia Drevets


Proverbs 28:6   Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.