Davos, Trust, and the End of “Comfortable Wolves” – “Klaus Schwab and his pack believe themselves to be the Alpha wolves of the planet. They have zero restraints on their behavior and Schwab himself has no one to tell him, “No, this is a bad idea.” Schwab’s just the figurehead, the face of evil, not the evil itself. The people behind Schwab have curated at least two generations (likely a lot more) of psychopaths to run their “system” that they are trying to save this week.” – Tom Luongo

What we learned at Davos 2024: global aristocracy intends on ‘Rebuilding Trust’ through censorship and surveillance – “A rundown of the annual World Economic Forum gathering in the Swiss Alps” – .Jordan Schachtel

“Building Trust”?: The World Economic Forum Is the West’s Perfect “White-Collar Euthanasia Agent” – “De-carbonization, De-electrification, De-humanization – Towards Getting Rid of “Useless Eaters” ” – Peter Koenig

Exposing Flash Freezes & Foreign Weather Warfare (VIDEO) with Dane Wigington – Maria Zeee

Biometric surveillance options increase for US police – “Proving that it is not always good to be right, public and private video surveillance is gaining critical mass in U.S. cities and towns, just as privacy advocates have warned. Sensors over highways, on food delivery robots and police vests, hanging from public buildings and convenience store awnings, and attached to porches and doorbells are feeding faces and sounds to the cloud, where law enforcement strains it through biometric recognition software for coordinated action. Skeptical observers for several years have warned that if biometric surveillance evolves unchecked, life in even modestly populated areas everywhere in the United States will be a real-time 360-degree searchable record. That’s not here yet, but research by digital-rights group The Electronic Frontier Foundation is not encouraging.” – Jim Nash – BIG BROTHEER, COMING TO A TOWN NEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PHONY COVID DISSIDENTS – BEWARE THE DREAM TEAM NARRATIVE POLICE (VIDEO) – “As the WEF and WHO drum up fear of “Disease X” there is a new set of narrative gatekeepers assembling a phony Dream Team of ‘covid dissidents.’ The trouble is most of them supported all the mandates! ” – Amazing Polly

What We’ve Learned from Hundreds of Vaccine Shedding Reports – A Midwestern Doctor

On the historical development and current list of ‘quarantinable communicable diseases.’ – “I’m writing about the federal framework because I speculate that the quarantine provisions, directed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Surgeon General, are provisions that the globalists will try to use more forcefully during the next pandemic simulation, through local law enforcement and public health officials: kidnappers working for the federal government while wearing local law enforcement and health care worker uniforms.” – Katherine Watt

Phthalates and bisphenols now “widespread” in common food items, silently driving the chronic disease epidemic – “Some of the most damaging contaminants in the food and water supply include various types of plasticizer chemicals. ” – Lance D Johnson

Globalist elites flaunt their fortunes at WEF 2024 (VIDEO) – True North  – SHORT AND TO THE POINT!!!!

WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines – “The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum wrapped up this week with calls for digital IDs, rapid development of new vaccines, more partnerships with corporate media outlets like The New York Times, and widespread acceptance and proliferation of artificial intelligence in all areas of society, including healthcare and education. ” – Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.


Spoiled Brats – “The simple answer is that the West is being run by and for the benefit of spoiled brats. There are two essential features of spoiled bratdom. Brats receive something for nothing or less than nothing, and they bear no consequences for their mistakes and their evils. Rear your kids on those tenets, and you’ll have spoiled brats in no time. Government is many people’s ultimate parent, but government of the spoiled brats, by the spoiled brats, for the spoiled brats cannot long endure.” – Robert Gore

The US Monarchial Republic Redefined as Democracy – “The House Of Cards Will Fall…. like a global domino field. The People need to stop whining. They need to stop claiming there is no chance. They have to reaffirm hope and faith! They need to get off their proverbial douches and tooches and show some man guts! The Farmers in Europe are braving the Cartel. Bring them to America! Because you NEVER win a WAR by sitting on your arse!” – Helena Glass

Defense Team To Prove Agents Planted Evidence on Jeremy Brown (VIDEO) – “In December of 2020. Federal Agents Lindsey and Ura approached Mr. Jeremy Brown at his home and asked him if he would be a paid informant for the government. They asked him to infiltrate some groups they were looking at involving concerns they had about an event in January. Mr. Brown recorded this conversation and instead of working for the government on January 6th, he went on as many media outlets that would have him, starting in March of 2021, and played the recording. He named the agents and exposed what they wanted him to do.” – Greg Reese

Tucker Carlson Reveals Troubling Report About Those J6 Pipe Bombs With New Video, Info – “SThe Biden administration has done all they can to go after anyone having anything to do with Jan. 6. Indeed, it’s more than three years later and they still seem to be going after people, even for just being around the Capitol at the time. They’re tracked down all kinds of people across the country. o it seems a bit odd that with video evidence of the culprit who allegedly planted the bombs at the DNC and the RNC on Jan. 5 that they haven’t been able to hunt down that person. ” – Nick Arama

Fani Willis’s Affair: There Are Receipts – “The likelihood of recusal just increased. The explosive allegations that could possibly sink Fulton County’s RICO case against Donald Trump, et al. – that she is having an ongoing affair with Nathan Wade, the Special Prosecutor she appointed to persecute Trump – have now been corroborated.” – Techno Fog

Republicans Move to Impeach Democrat New Mexico Governor over Gun Control Order – Nick R. Hamilton

Derek Chauvin’s imprisonment is a gross miscarriage of justice – “”One of the problems we face in our country is the common practice of many people giving opinions on things they know nothing about. Police work is at the top of the list of things people comment about without a scintilla of experience in law enforcement. Take the George Floyd fiasco, which became the perfect opportunity for left-wing, anti-police propaganda. The arrest of a degenerate, drug-addled criminal, with a rap sheet that should have kept him off the street for decades, became the rallying cry for every lowlife radical with a hatred for the rule of law. – Bob Weir

Biden’s Open Border Policies Are Deadly Enough to Kill ‘Every American’- “”According to a report from the New York Post, there has been enough fentanyl that has crossed over the southern border and into the U.S. to kill every single American, with 386 million doses of the lethal drug being seized by the DEA in 2023 alone. For 12 straight months, there were more than 111 355 fentanyl overdoses in the United States— more than double the rate 2018 saw. – Sarah Arnold

Stunningly Great Speech by Argentina’s President at Davos – “In what is likely the best speech in history at Davos, Javier Milei praised free trade, capitalism, and economic freedom, while denouncing left-wing doxa, socialists, and social justice.” – Mish  – SO IS MILEI THE REAL DEAL OR JUST RUNNING COVER FOR HIS CAPITALIST BENEFACTORS LIKE BLACKROCK!!!!

Video Shows Drag Queen Mock-Aborting Baby Jesus – “A video shows a bunch of white millennial women shrieking with delight during a performance where a drag queen mock-aborts the baby Jesus.’ – Paul Joseph Watson – NOT SURE IF THIS CAN BE INTERPRETED AS BABY JESUS BEING ABORTED, BUT IT IS STILL A SICK DISPLAY SHOWING WHAT THIS SOCIETY HAS BECOME NONE THE LESS!!

The Secret Language of Plants – “How damaged plants communicate with their neighbours.Trigger Warning – Vegans don’t continue reading In the complex and interconnected world of nature, communication is often seen as a trait that is exclusive to animals. Plants are perceived as silent, static entities when in fact they possess their own sophisticated means of conveying vital information to each other. When you sit in a peaceful garden or lush forest, it may seem serene but beneath this tranquil exterior, there is a constant, unseen exchange of information happening at a biochemical level. ” – The Naked Emperor

Is the Gun Dangerous, or is it the Criminal? – Rob Morse

Canadian police warn citizens not to violate porch pirates’ privacy. Seriously – “According to various online reports, police in the Canadian province of Quebec recently warned citizens not to post surveillance footage of their packages being stolen from their porches, etc., because it could violate the “private life” of the perpetrator/thief. Seriously.” – Eric Utter

Maersk Warns “Significant Disruptions To Global Shipping Network” As Red Sea Attacks Persist – Tyler Durden

The Rapid Closure of America’s Technological Power Gap – “Regardless of how far the war escalates and its ultimate impacts on global supply chains, the crisis in the Red Sea reveals the U.S. has limitations in its ability to project power and police vital trade routes. Perhaps it shouldn’t be doing this in the first place. Big picture, the use of drone attacks by Houthis has pointed the spotlight on what could be a significant closure of the technological power gap that the U.S. and Europe has enjoyed over the rest of the world for the last 250 years. In short, any technological power gap the U.S. has today is razor thin compared to that held at the close of WWII.” – MN Gordon

The world weeps while the military industrial complex keeps winning – “Don’t let anyone tell you that the machine is starved — it’s close to a trillion dollar payday” – William Hartung

War on Yemen? Don’t Expect A Cakewalk – “The Biden administration is in the process of reimposing the 7 year-long embargo on Yemen that cut off food, water and essential medical supplies to the civilian population. This is how Washington weaponizes the “terrorist” designation in order to use famine as an instrument of foreign policy. The clear intention is to starve the population into submission so the US can advance its geopolitical agenda in the region. In this case, Washington’s strategic objectives remain largely concealed from the general public, so we will list them here: The United States has three main goals in Yemen:” – mIKE wHITNEY

Russia Won’t Resume Arms Control Talks With The US Till The Ukrainian Conflict Ends – Andrew Korybko

Macron Does a Putin, Ends Up Shooting Own Foot – “French President Emmanuel Macron sought this week to revamp his tattered authority over a nation that seems to have grown weary of this self-important charlatan. In a special media conference lasting two and half hours broadcast to the nation, it seemed Macron was taking a leaf out of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s book. Putin gives an annual marathon press conference taking questions from journalists and the public on all and sundry national and international issues. It didn’t go so well for Macron who ended up appearing as if he was pleading to be given respect. There is no doubting Putin’s command of issues. Over four hours, he can hold the audience’s interest with cogent rational arguments, making his points with comprehensive facts and figures. Putin’s approval rating among the Russian public is riding high consistently in what can be deduced as genuine respect for his leadership.” – Finian Cunningham


How Can Anyone Possibly Claim That The U.S. Economy Is Doing Well With All Of This Going On? – Michael Snyder


Beware the SEC’s creation of ‘Natural Asset’ companies – “To anyone who tracks the efforts of environmentalists, their policies often have an ulterior motive. They neither result in a better society nor do they produce better habitats. Their policy preferences also do not consider how using the land improves the land for man and wildlife. Instead, many environmentalists advocate for policies at the expense of farmers, miners, and others who create usable, tangible, societal benefits from the land. This often leaves observers to wonder: what are environmentalists really after?” – Margaret Byfield

National Self-Reliance Is On the Rise: China and the U.S. – “The flip side of the decline of hyper-globalization is the rise of national self-reliance. We can see this dynamic expanding in real time across the globe, particularly in China and the U.S.: though still bound by trillions of dollars / RMB in investment and trade, the two nations are seeking to balance their dependency on the other by increasing their self-reliance with their own resources and technologies.” – Charles Hugh Smith

Amid Collapsed Demand for Existing Homes, Prices Drop Further, Supply Highest for any December since 2018, New Listings Come out of the Woodwork – “Housing market is frozen, people have gone on buyers’ strike, sellers are hoping that this too shall pass.” -Wolf Richter


Many Experts Predicted a Tipping Point Will Come That Would Cause the Dollar to Collapse- The Reality of Our Societal Decline – “Many believe that it’s only a matter of time before something big happens. That could leave us without power or essential services for an extended time.Any catastrophe on a global scale will almost result in a pandemic. The world might flip upside down in only a few days! The harsh fact is that many people would not survive a week without stored food, let alone 90 days. ” – Dave Jefferson

17 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses – Alan Urban

Easy Home Cheese Making – “Dairy products are an important part of a balanced diet, but they are the most difficult to store, both short and long-term. Our ancestors stored milk over the long-term by turning it into cheese, and you can too. It is not difficult.” – Tractorguy

How To Get A Spouse (Or Non Preppers) To Accept Prepping. (VIDEO) – Modern Refugee

How To Keep Your Compost Pile Churning … All Winter Long – “It can be a struggle to maintain your compost bin or pile over the winter. Whether you’re dealing with severe cold and/or heavy snow in northerly regions, excessive moisture in the Pacific Northwest, or desert conditions in the American Southwest, your compost pile may need a little extra help during the winter months. It’s worth it, though. By the time spring rolls around, you’ll be rich in black gold.” – Jacki Andre


John 12:43    For they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God.

