Make Meat Great Again! Don’t Let The Globalists Pull This Off – “It’s 2023, and most people are scurrying about their days making plans for the Holidays and figuring out whether to serve up a roast, a turkey or a ham. Meanwhile, over 70,000 clowns are toasting champagne at their 5 star hotels in Dubai while thinking they can tell people whether or not a roast, a turkey, or a ham is allowed. While flying around in their private jets, they giggle as they cook up their conspiracy theory on “climate change” to convince people to eat less meat. The funny thing is, while these clowns conspire and celebrate their narrative to save the planet, in part by the absurdity of reducing meat consumption, many of these same clowns are supporters of Merck and were pushing for a vote at Codex to inject cattle, pigs, and poultry with Merck’s toxic steroid-like drug zilpaterol hydrochloride to produce more muscle and less fat. This of course brings a fortune to Merck, while benefiting the bottom line for ranchers who are ok with poisoning their livestock and humans. How’s that for an oxymoron?” – Corey Lynn

Globalists on a mission: Turn Americans against each other before a foreign power is called in to finish the job – Leo Hohmann

Living Everywhere in a Carceral Surveillance State – “If you live in a Chinese city, or even in London, you are probably so used to surveillance cameras all around you – on lamp posts, the corners of buildings, and so on – that you would hardly bat an eyelid. Yet what contemporary city-denizens take for granted was not always the case, and most people would be surprised to know that surveillance has a long history, and was linked to modes of punishment from early on.” – Bert Olivier

Will mRNA Drop Out of the Running as a Flu Vaccine? – “Unpleasant side effects such as blood clotting, neurological damage, autoimmune disease, heart attacks, infertility, and memory loss, may turn people off from opting for an mRNA flu vaccine.” – Karen Kingston – I DOUBT IT. AS LONG AS THE SHEEPLE 🐑 🐑  🐑 ARE STILL GEETTING COVID BOOSTERS THEN THEY WON’T EVEN THINK TWICE ABOUT GETTING THE PFIZER mRNA FLU SHOT, ESPECIALLY WHEN IT’S COMBINED WITH A COVID BOIOSTER!!!

Covid vaccines & operation warp speed was cut from the live feed of the latest republican debate. This is what was blacked out from the American public. (VIDEO) – “If msm & their big pharma pay masters didn’t want you to see it, then it’s probably worth sharing.” – DD Denslow

EU Approves Regulations Forcing Big Tech to Support ‘Digital ID’ – “The new EU Digital Identity Regulation (eIDAS 2) was approved by the EU Parliament’s Industry Committee. The regulations were approved despite opposition from the Pirate group. The new statute will introduce a digital identity app for public use. The app will facilitate EU citizens’ “access to diverse digital services,” according to unelected Eurocrats.” – Frank Bergman

I Give Up: Covidians Will Never Get It – “High Covid infection levels in Dec. 2023 are very much the antivaxxers and anti-maskers fault, according to Covidians. If only we all jabbed together, all around the globe, two years ago. Right?” – Andreas Oehler

Hombre rápido and the End of the World – “Actually the plan was forced on the central banks… I’ll walk you through it:” – Sage Hana

As War And Civil Unrest Intensifies, Beware Of The ‘Clergy Response Teams,’ They Are Not There To Help You, They Are Working For The Government To Control You – Susan Duclos


We’ve Already Got a Dictator-in-Chief: How Absolute Power Corrupted the President – “Once a dictator, always a dictator. Power-hungry, lawless and steadfast in its pursuit of authoritarian powers, the government does not voluntarily relinquish those powers once it acquires, uses and inevitably abuses them. Likewise, any presidential candidate who promises to be a dictator on day one, if elected, will be a dictator-in-chief for life. Then again, the president is already a dictator with permanent powers: imperial, unaccountable and unconstitutional thanks to a relatively obscure directive (National Security Presidential Directive 51 and Homeland Security Presidential Directive 20), part of the country’s Continuity of Government (COG) plan, which gives unchecked executive, legislative and judicial power to the president in the event of a “national emergency.”” – John & Nisha Whitehead

PALESTINIANS ARE PEOPLE. ZIONISTS Are NonHuman – “I HAD TO SAY THIS. I HAD TO BREAK THE RULES AND MOLD OF OPINION. The Images Are Simply TOO MUCH! No amount of Israeli AI can compare to the atrocities being committed by Netanyahu and his IDF assassins. No wooden crib saved for over a month with a ‘supposed blood stain’ as shown to Elon Musk can come close to the reel after reel of dead children – children without limbs – children screaming and crying in terror because according to Netanyahu they are ALL GUILTY! The terror, atrocities, and massacre imposed by these Zionists is beyond comprehensible and borders on pure Evil. There is no way a two party state will ever exist. Zionists must leave. All of them. ” – Helena Glass

There, Fixed It For You! – “The US House of Representatives voted to strongly condemn national and global antisemitism, inflamed as it has been by the 24/7 genocide being conducted in Gaza by the IDF and the US Pentagon. In their virtue-signaling hurry, the House left a few things out, starting with a definition of the term Semite. ” – Karen Kwiatkowski  – GOOD ONE FROM KAREN!!!!

How Many Secrets Is the President Hiding? The US Government’s Secret Plan for Censorship – – “November 30, 2023, House Judiciary Committee held another hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger testified at this meeting for the second time. Nine months ago, he testified and shared evidence with the Subcommittee about the existence of a “Censorship Industrial Complex, a network of government agencies, including the Department of Homeland Security, government contractors, and Big Tech media platforms that conspired to censor ordinary Americans and elected officials alike for holding disfavored views.”2 All of that was wild enough, but there’s more. At the November 30 hearing, Shellenberger exposed a group called the Cyber Threat Intelligence League (CTIL), which consists of military contractors that are not only censoring Americans, but also using sophisticated psychological operations against us.” – Dr. Joseph Mercola

Democracy denied: A sinister force controls the US presidential debates – “A commission run by the Republicans and the Democrats gatekeeps third-party and independent runners from the public eye” – Robert Bridge

Biden Puts Us On A Fast Train To Nowhere – “‘At long last, we’re building the first high-speed rail project in our nation’s history. And it’s starting here.” That was President Joe Biden announcing last week that us taxpayers will be ponying up $3 billion to help a private company build a bullet train from Los Angeles to Las Vegas so gambleholics can start losing money more quickly. But let’s say this private company can build it that fast, and that it will be a huge win for travelers, as Biden claims. Then why on Earth are taxpayers on the hook for a third of its construction costs? What’s more, Biden’s claim that this is the “first high-speed rail project” in the country is a flat-out lie. Or did he forget about the high-speed rail project from Los Angeles to San Francisco that California has been working on since 2008 — the one that he and President Barack Obama threw $3 billion at 13 years ago?” – I & I Editorial Board

Dems Enlist Russia-Hoaxer Hillary Clinton Into Biden Re-Election Effort – “You know you are in deep, deep trouble if you are picking up the bat phone and calling Hillary Clinton to come help you out..” – Tyler Durden

Mitt Romney: The Model Senator for GOP Beltway Grifters – Emerald Robinson

2700 illegals being housed in a warehouse in south Chicago (2241 S. Halsted St). (VIDEO) – “And this is only one of over 56 locations being used. People have no idea how bad this is going to get! The truth about the democrats illegal invasion: drugs, prostitution, child trafficking and modern day slavery.” – Ben Bergquam (Real America’s Voice )

Universities better get ahead of surging anti-woke backlash. The University of Illinois should go first. – “The dam finally broke.” – Mark Glennon  – UNIVERSITIES HAVE BEEN WOKE FOR A LONG TIME, THE PERCEIVED ANTISEMETISM, BESIDES BEING PROPAGANDA, IS JUST A CATALYST!!!!

Canadian military bases mandate menstruation kits in men’s bathrooms – Cosmin Dzsurdzsa – PERHAPS THEY CAN USE THE TAMPON TO STOP A BULLET WOUND FROM BLEEDING!!!!!

Israel’s War of Decision Could Turn Country Into a Battleship – “Israel’s vengeance campaign could easily become a permanent condition of life in the Middle East.” – Douglas MacGregor

Israel as a Conquering State – “Israel’s war against Gaza today isn’t being driven by concerns of national defense. It’s being driven by a desire for conquest. Israel is no longer a plucky underdog, if it ever was. Israel is now a death-dealing overlord exacting a Biblical level of destruction and revenge against a hated people, as Bibi Netanyahu himself admitted, and proudly so.Shocking to me has been the total compliance, and I mean total, of the Biden administration. Whatever Israel wants, it gets: missiles, artillery and tank shells, bullets, drones, even a couple of aircraft carrier battle groups to deter other countries” – Bill Astore

The West Agonises Over an ‘Atrocity Upsurge’ While Backing Israel’s Genocide in Gaza – Jonathan Cook


Warren Buffett Selling $28.7 Billion in Stock Rings Alarm Bell Over Economy – Giulia Carbonaro

Wall Street Admits We’re In Stagflation? – “Is Reality Setting In At Last?” – Peter Nayland Kust

The November BLS Report—Another Jobs Show About Nothing – “If the monthly jobs report were a TV sitcom it would truly rival “Seinfeld” as a “show about nothing”. That is to say, for years the report has suggested nothing especially remarkable about the US labor market, but without fail the talking heads of bubblevision nevertheless launch into energetic chatter about its manifold significance each and every month. More often than not, they even pronounce it to be the most important monthly jobs report since, well, the last one.” – David Stockman

Rent Jumps Another 0.5 Percent, Only a Decline in Gasoline Prevents a Hot CPI – “The headline CPI looks tame in November, rising only 0.1 percent. But for the second month, a good headline number is an energy mirage.” – Mish

Here’s the Breakout… Next Up is 4,700 on the S&P 500 – “Here comes the Santa Rally. The S&P 500 has been trading in a 40-point range since mid-November. I know that sounds difficult to believe, but it’s true. For all the issues in the world (conflict in the Middle East, the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, economic data weakening in the U.S., political issues/ potential impeachment for the Biden administration), the stock market has gone nowhere. See for yourself.” – Graham Summers, MBA  – CAN YOU MAKE SOME MONEY, POSSIBLY, BUT BEWARE, IT’S ALL SMOKE AND MIRRORS!!!!


The Deeper Dive: Where Are We? – “The current state of the Everything Bubble Bust. As we near the end of 2023, perhaps before considering too much where we will go in 2024, we should first assess where we stand in 2023. Here is brief synopsis of the facts regarding the ongoing collapse of the Everything Bubble, which comprises a bond bubble, a real-estate bubble and a stock bubble. ” – David Haggith

US Dollar is Doomed (VIDEO) with David Morgan – “The US of A has lost its day in the sun. The US dollar is not only further in its demise on a longer-term basis, but it is being less and less trusted over the globe. When things do reset . . . the clout the US dollar enjoyed is no longer there. I am afraid that is the trend established by UAE saying we do not want to settle in US dollars for oil. . . . This is huge.” – Greg Hunter

Deutsche Bank AG STOCK QUOTE –11.91EUR


All Warnings Have Come True! Our Society Is Now In The Process Of Collapsing All Around Us, And You Can See Evidence Of This Everywhere That You Look. – Dave Jefferson

Do You Have an “After” Plan? – “Here in the prepping and survival community, we talk a lot about surviving disasters of all types.  But from what I see, and I’ve been at this a long time, there is little thought given to creating an “after plan.” I’m not talking about our plan to survive after the disaster is over. We do that. A lot of preppers are thinking in terms of homesteading, so that they’ll be able to make it through the aftermath of the disaster. While there is a lot we can do on our own, becoming as self-sufficient as possible, we can’t do it all. We need the massive infrastructure and supply chain we’ve created, as well as all the millions of specialists out there, who provide products and services we can’t provide for ourselves. Can you produce your own blood pressure medicine? How about medicine to treat diabetes? Chances are pretty high you can’t. What about making gasoline? Do you have horses for transportation? Again, there are few of us who can meet those basic needs.” – Bill White  – GOOD ARTICLE FROM BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Milk Cows on the Homestead – Part 1 – “It’s become very popular to have a homestead milk cow. I can see why! No running to the store for milk. When my children were little, milk was the item we were always running out of. I love being able to open the “milk fridge” and see gallons of milk sitting there. I love being able to make cream cheese, or ice cream, or whipped cream, or yogurt without having to run to the store.” – SaraSue

Common Gun Myths You Need to Stop Believing – “There are a lot of gun myths out there. These myths can arise either because of common misconceptions about guns or because of what we see in shows and movies.” – Nicholas Oetken

Top 10 SHTF Stocking Stuffers – Christine Yergey  – SEVERAL GOOD IDEAS HERE!!!

Vegetables You Can Grow In Your Attic – Elizabeth Grant


Proverbs 18:3   When the wicked cometh, then cometh also contempt, and with ignominy reproach.

